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Apache Iceberg Table Format

Apache Iceberg is one of the supported formats of a TrinityLake table.

Managed Iceberg Table

TrinityLake managed Iceberg tables should be created without any format properties in the table definition. The TrinityLake format determines what works the best for managing an Iceberg table within a Trinity Lakehouse.

For a managed table, TrinityLake maps the data type to Iceberg in the following way:

TrinityLake Type Iceberg Type
boolean boolean
int2 integer
int4 integer
int8 long
decimal(p, s) decimal(p, s)
float4 float
float8 double
char(n) string
varchar(n) string
date date
time(p) time if p=6, else long
timetz long
timestamp(p) timestamp if p=6, timestamp_ns if p=9, else long
timestamptz(p) timestamptz if p=6, timestamptz_ns if p=9, else long
fixed(n) fixed(n)
varbyte(n) binary
struct struct
map map
list list

Currently only Apache Parquet file format is supported when using a Trinitylake managed Iceberg table.

External Iceberg Table

To use an external Iceberg table in TrinityLake, you can configure the following format properties:

Property Description Required? Default
metadata_location The location of the Iceberg metadata file Yes
schema_on_read If the table is schema on read. If true, a schema must be provided as a part of the table definition No false

For an external table, TrinityLake surfaces the data type in Iceberg to TrinityLake in the following way:

Iceberg Type TrinityLake Type
boolean boolean
integer int4
long int8
decimal(p, s) decimal(p, s)
float float4
double float8
string varchar
date date
time if p=6, else long time(6)
timestamp timestamp(6)
timestamptz timestamptz(6)
timestamp_ns timestamp(9)
timestamptz_ns timestamptz(9)
fixed(n) fixed(n)
binary varbyte
struct struct
map map
list list

Federated Iceberg Table

To use a federated Iceberg table in TrinityLake, you need to configure Iceberg catalog properties inside the format properties. TrinityLake will use the catalog properties to initialize an Iceberg catalog to federate into the external system to perform read and write. The federated table's data types will be surfaced to TrinityLake in the same way as external tables.